Posted by Nabil Bedewi on Oct 26, 2018
For Part 1 of this project please see this link.
On Wednesday October 24th, 2018, Officer Raul Pop from the Placencia Village Police installed 21 reflectors on bicycles of cyclists passing by (mainly children). Besides the safety value of this effort, it was gratifying to see the recipients happy to have them installed.
The main issue we encountered was that some bicycles had to be skipped since our reflectors did not fit them.  This means in the future we will need multiple types of reflectors.
So where do we go from here?
We ran out of reflectors within a couple of hours.  We also noticed there were a high percentage of bicycles without reflectors, and this is just in Placencia Village.  Therefore, we concluded two things:
1) Officer Pop will install reflector tape (donated by Gail from the Rotary Club of Placencia) on a couple of bicycles as an experiment to explore the effects of weather on them.
2) Believe in Belize will launch an information service to make people aware of the tremendous need for bicycle safety reflectors in Belize and how we can all help.
We want to thank Inspector Ramclam for enthusiastically supporting our effort and assigning Officers Pop and Lammey to make this project successful.
Please feel free to participate in the discussion by joining our Bicycle Safety Initiative Facebook page here.