Posted by Nabil Bedewi on Apr 19, 2018
The logo on the left is what I came up with when the non-profit was launched.  The light brown, blue and green were to represent the natural beauty of Belize: Beaches, Water, and Greenery along with the non-profit name / website.  My daughter, the marketing major, thinks she learned enough to tell me this logo does not do much from a branding perspective smiley.  So I am starting a competition to come up with a new logo.
The rules are simple:
  1. Anyone can submit up to 3 logos along with a sentence or two behind that creation and contact information (you will be able to choose to make it public if you want to be contacted should some other company discover your talents).
  2. I will post all submissions on a page and link to it from the homepage.
  3. The deadline for submission is June 30th 2018.
  4. I will setup a poll to help select the winning submission from up to 5 finalists.
  5. The winning logo will be announced by July 31st 2018.
  6. All logos submitted will be permanently kept on the page I setup so that they will all provide continuance recognition to the source.
  7. Believe in Belize will retain the copyright to all submissions.  Every person who submitted a logo will retain the right to showcase it (display but not sell) as part of their portfolio of creations but cannot have any other entity use it without prior approval from Believe in Belize.
  8. As an all volunteer organization, there is no compensation except the satisfaction of helping a startup non-profit and perpetual recognition on our website.
Please use the form below to submit your logo.
I welcome your comments beneath the form.