2021 marked our 4th year in operation.  Below is the un-audited actual donations and expenses (in US$) for the reporting period of 1/1/2021 - 12/31/2021.
$34,017.26 Donations
 Annual Fund - General
 Annual Fund - Operations
 Endowment Funds
$21,302.66 Expenses
$             294.00
 Information Technology (IT) 
 Golden Stream Village School Brush Cutter 
 School Computers upgrades
 Corozal Animal Program 
 Kindle Fire 7 Reading Pilot Project
 COVID-19 Belize City Feeding Project 
 San Roman Village Community Center Basketball rims, etc.
 COVID-19 Corozal Feeding Project 
 San Roman Village - Community Centers Computers 
 Shipping Container
 School Supplies
 Donation fees & charges (PayPal, Credit Card, Account Admin)